March Belt Graduation
Belt graduation will be held on Wednesday, March 26 and Thursday, March 27. The belt graduation will be held at the Bobby Lawrence Karate School in Spanish Fork.
For all Juniors testing, you have 4 separate times to choose from. For all Kid Champs/Little Ninjas testing, you have 2 separate times to choose from. Please choose the time that is best for you. There is room for 20 students per time so be the first to register to secure your spot at the time you want. Teen/Adults will have your test on Wednesday March 26 at 7 pm. Any Ban Bu/Black Belt Testers will have your test Thursday March 27 at 6:45 pm.
The belt graduation schedule will be:
4 pm Little Ninja/Kid champs graduation
5 pm Junior graduation
6 pm Junior graduation
7 pm Teen/adult graduation
4 pm Junior graduation
5 pm Junior graduation
6 pm Little Ninja/Kid Champs graduation
6:45 pm Ban Bu Test
Don’t forget in order to qualify for belt graduation you need to turn in a qualification form with the questions answered by your school teacher and parent (not required for teen/adults).