Some are drawn to the physical fitness and weight-loss aspects of training. Others seek to add discipline and self control to their lives. While still others are concerned about safety and self-defense.
Whether you are interested in our programs for mental or physical well being, Bobby Lawrence Karate offers a number of programs that will fit your developmental needs and your busy schedule as well.
BLK Classes
This program is for children ages 4 to 5. This class is designed to introduce young children to the marvelous discipline of classical karate through teaching them basic listening and motor skills. Knowing how to control one's body and to be safe and polite to others is also taught in this class.
This program is designed for kids ages 6 -7 years old and offers the same benefits as any of our other programs. But also the purpose of Kid Champs is to teach the curriculum in a more simplified way to better suit the needs of this age group and prepare them to easily transition to the Junior program when they turn 8 years old.
Our Junior Program is for ages 8-12. This class is designed to teach elementary aged children confidence, competence, and character. Confidence comes from being in good physical shape, acquiring useful social skills, and knowing how to be assertive without being aggressive. Character follows good parenting coupled with positive role models.
Our Teen & Adult class ages 13 and up, learns the basics of classical karate. Teens learn how to say "no" to negative peer pressure and how to set and achieve goals. Our Teen and Adult program also teaches fearless fitness, practical self-defense skills, and calming meditations.
We are a Black Belt School! Our goal here at Bobby Lawrence Karate is for everyone to receive their Black Belt. It's a lot of work, a lot of dedication and sacrifice and when you receive that long awaited for Black Belt it is so worth the time and energy you put into it. (and it looks great on resume's too)!
Our basic karate program teaches the fundamentals of karate training. In it we emphasize fitness through power karate techniques and common sense, as well as practical self defense. In addition, we teach 36 valuable life skills and principles for successful living. For example, this month we are studying respect, self respect, and how to earn respect from others. The purpose of the basic program is to help prepare students to commit to earning their black belt through our Black Belt Training program and qualify for our Black Belt Leadership program.
Our Black Belt Training program contains everything that is in our Basic program, plus these students learn all the techniques needed to become a black belt, including exciting, fun, yet safe sparring which builds confidence, improves agility, and quickens reflexes. In this program students also learn how to handle the safe, traditional karate weapons nun-chucks, bo-staff, and short sticks which increase hand eye coordination, which translates into greater mental focus which leads to better grades.
These students also do board breaking to test to see if they can apply the principles of power behind a strike or kick. They receive unlimited classes to ensure they are ready for their black belt test and train for an hour per class instead of the standard 45 minutes for the basic program. Finally, students in this program wear a special uniform, half red half black to remind and recognize them that their goal is to earn their black belt.
With all the distractions facing children these days we see most grow up to be leaders, followers or loners. All black belts tend to be leaders, but to make extra sure we also offer specific leadership training in this program.
We define a leader as someone who has the ability, confidence, and dependability to influence others in a positive manner. In this program we teach our students how to be leaders through teaching them personal development and leadership principles, and providing leadership opportunities in class.
Our Black Belt Leadership Program is designed to take our students to Black Belt and beyond. It includes all the same benefits as the Black Belt Training and Basic Programs plus more. To sharpen their focus these students also train with some additional weapons: the kama, the sword, and double nun-chucks. They receive extra sparring training including getting to come to Spar Wars each month (mini sparring tournament) . They also get to wear the full black "leadership" uniform to recognize and remind them their goal is to train to be a leader. They learn additional curriculum such as extra grappling (Jujitsu) and more acrobatic kicks. They receive a special leadership only class Saturday mornings to help sharpen their skills with the extra curriculum and learn their leadership skills.
They receive an hour and 15 minutes of training per class. Because of the extra training involved these students promote straight to a first degree black belt rather than the standard plain black belt.
Our Instructor Certification program is for Black Belts desiring to become a professional karate teachers or perhaps open their own branch of Bobby Lawrence Karate.